ICU Ventilator PAC-R50

ICU Ventilator PAC-R50

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Application: infant and adult

12”TFT touch screen

Ventilation modes: VCV, PCV, SIMV-VC + PSV, SIMV-PC + PSV

SPONT/CPAP + PSV, DuoPhasic/APRV + PSV, Backup, Standby
Optional: PRVC

Lung mechanics parameters and loops

Inspiratory hold with static compliance measurement

Expiratory hold with PEEPi measurement

100% O2 suction, 2min

Easily removable and sterilizableflow sensor &exhalation valvemodule

Built-in: Active expiratory PEEP valve, O2 & Air mixture device, Synchronized nebulizer,Battery


lPressure values: Ppeak,Pplat, Pmean,Pmin, PEEPlVolume/Flow values: Vti, Vte, MV, MVspontlftotal, fspn, RSBI, Rinsp, Cstatic, CdynFiO2lLoops: Pressure – Volume, Volume – FlowlOptional:EtCO2, SPO2

MV, Paw ,Vte, Rate,FiO2, Mains failure, Battery, Air supply failure, O2supply failure, Apnea,Circuit occlusion,EtCO2


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